Track Records
Strategic Sites
Maidstone Borough Council
Garden Communities
The council identified the creation of new Garden Communities to help achieve their housing numbers in their next local plan. The council had received proposals of three broad locations for Garden Communities which ranged in size from 2,000 – 4,000 dwellings with supporting facilities and employment land. The council wanted to ensure the sites being promoted were viable and hence deliverable.
Stuart Cook, Director at Urbà was instructed to undertake viability assessments of the promoters’ proposals and ensure a comparison was made on a like for like basis. Stuart led on detailed questions to promoters so a good understanding could be gained on the development proposals including site constraints.
Stuart provided recommendations on whether the promoter inputs and assumptions were reasonable and whether there were any potential issues regarding delivery, based on viability. Stuart is advising the council on the viability of the new local plan.
Private Sector
Strategic housing allocation, Sevenoaks
The client was a landowner who was seeking to secure a housing allocation of up to 800 dwellings in the new Local Plan. Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) requires viability to be resolved at plan making stage rather than planning application. The client required a viability consultant to support the allocation process.
Stuart Cook, Director at Urbà undertook a market and viability assessment of the masterplan options. Stuart created a bespoke Excel model to test the development timing, including strategic infrastructure and the council’s policies.
Stuart provided the client with a robust assessment of the development viability to help inform changes to the development through the site promotion process.